Designing with Empathy and Data-Driven Creativity: My Secret Sauce for User-Centric Design"
Hi, I’m Jona Demyttenaere, I live with my girlfriend and daughter in Amsterdam. I’m a freelance UX designer with a background in the banking world.
I embarked on my UX design journey in a place of doubt and apprehension. Recovering from a concussion and diagnosed with ADHD, I would never have guessed what an impact designing would have on me. Determined, that if I could ever work again, I would not only enjoy, but was passionate about it. Then I discovered UX design. This new direction not only aligned with my love for creativity, curiosity, and collaboration, but also filled a void I had long felt. From not being able to open LinkedIn to ‘I love what I do, and I want to help others’ was quite a journey. The prospect of never being able to work again weighed on my mind as I remained at home with a concussion and a sluggish recovery. Let alone even open LinkedIn or something. Design thinking helped me to get me out of the valley and on top again.
My background in the banking industry equips me with a unique skill set, honed in the art of managing teams, exceeding expectations.
Your projects gain a distinct advantage from my deep understanding of the importance of data and user-centric design. I am good at solving design problems that will make you and your users happy.
You want a design to align with your core business objectives, the feeling you engagement. I believe in strong collaboration, a match on values, so your goals are my goals. My superhero design strength comes from curiosity in all people and a firm belief that creativity is best used to find solutions to problems. Whatever you’re thinking, I’m eager to hear your ideas. Don’t hesitate, reach out today, and let’s embark on a journey to achieve remarkable results together. Your vision is just an email away from becoming a reality!